The company Policy on Prohibiting Procurement of Commercial Sex Acts

  1. Introduction

The company is committed to conducting business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. This policy outlines our unequivocal stance against procuring commercial sex acts during the length of any contract. We firmly believe in upholding human rights, respecting dignity, and complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Prohibition of Procuring Commercial Sex Acts

a. The company strictly prohibits any form of procurement, facilitation, or engagement in commercial sex acts by any employee, contractor, agent, or representative of the company during the length of any contract. b. This prohibition applies broadly and is mandatory, irrespective of legal or contractual requirements.

  1. Compliance with Laws and Contracts

a. While we adhere to all applicable laws and contractual obligations, we maintain a higher ethical standard by prohibiting any form of engagement in commercial sex acts.

  1. Communication and Awareness

a. The company shall communicate this policy to all employees, contractors, agents, and stakeholders to ensure a clear understanding of our commitment to ethical conduct and compliance.

  1. Reporting and Non-Retaliation

a. Any concerns, complaints, or reports related to the procurement of commercial sex acts will be promptly and confidentially addressed by appropriate channels within the organization. b. The company strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who report or raise concerns about the procurement of commercial sex acts.

  1. Training and Compliance Monitoring

a. We shall provide relevant training and guidance to employees, contractors, and relevant personnel to ensure understanding and compliance with this policy. b. Regular audits and assessments will be conducted to monitor and ensure adherence to this policy within our operations and contracts.

  1. Continuous Improvement

a. The company is committed to ongoing improvement of our practices and policies, reflecting changes in regulations and best practices related to the prohibition of procuring commercial sex acts. By adhering to this policy, The company reaffirms its dedication to ethical conduct, human rights, and creating a safe and respectful workplace for all.